Useful Information Tips for Tourist and Visitors

Useful Info for Albufeira

What is the current local time in Albufeira. Portugal currency is the Euro and here is the actual exchange rate to all major currency in the world. ATM in the Algarve.

Here are some facts and advices we believe will be good to know for those who come and visit Albufeira and the Algarve region for the first time. In this tourist guide, you’ll find a collection of tips, recommendations and contacts on diverse matters such as how to move around, average costs of things, precautions to take, a helpful phone book, links to websites of interest, etc.

Local Date & Time:

Current date is: Friday, March 28, 2025, current time is: 23:18

Portugal comes under the GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time), the same as London.

Summer Time (from the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday in October) comes under the GMT/UTC + 1 hour.

Be sure to set your watches correctly to local time to avoid any confusion or mishaps.

Currency, Exchange rates and ATM

Since January 2002, Portugal’s currency is the Euro. The Euro coins have one side that shows the value of the coin and the other represents the country to which the coin belongs, so it’s perfectly normal to find different looking coins, but with the same value. The notes are the same in all of the Euro countries. One Euro (€1.00) is equal to 100 cents. Bank notes are in denominations of €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10 and €5 while coins are available in €2, €1 and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.

Here is the current exchange rate between the British Pound and the Euro. Select other currencies to find the exchange rate is today.

Multibanco ATMEuroNet ATM

The “Multibanco” (ATM) machines allow people to withdraw money using various types of credit/debit cards like, Visa, American Express, Maestro and others. They are usually located next or inside the local banks and at several supermarkets and shopping centres. Lately, a new line of ATM's from EuroNet have popped up everywhere in the region, but, be aware of the exchange rates and expenses these machines charge on foreign cards.

Major credit cards are accepted in most establishments. No need to carry large amount of cash.

All available information presented here has been gathered from online sources and from personal experiences. If you have any suggestions to make or find inaccurate, incomplete or outdated detail, please contact us and we’ll correct the information as needed.