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Category: Tourism / Turismo
Forum Name: Photo sharing / Partilha de fotos
Forum Description: Members uploaded pictures / Imagens publicadas por membros
Printed Date: 12/February/2025 at 17:07 Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.03 -
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 30/June/2011 at 17:48
I saw on JCB trolling around but hardly a hive of activity. As i said before, I will bet the people in the nice houses up on top of the hill area are excited about several years of dust and noise.
I will make this a sticky so we can add to it now and then as things progress.
These pictures were taken on Tuesday 28th June.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Chip
Date Posted: 08/July/2011 at 14:09
Do you have any plans or links to plans to show what this is going to look like when finished? We look out over this from our rooftop appartment in Pateo so far enough away not to hear to much noise or get dust etc. Only 7 years to complete ????
------------- Chip
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 09/July/2011 at 09:44
This is the only image I have. I can see most of it from my window as well.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 14:57
Well whatever they are doing they are not doing it very fast. The Great Wall of China was probably built quicker than the wall at the marina.

Meanwhile along the road there were a couple of machines stirring up the dust

This new road has been built coming off the hill down from São Rafael. Other than a couple of blokes working near the Oceano building, not a lot was going on.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 21:56
Any sign of the gypsy campsite being relocated?
What a blight that is on the Marina development as a whole... You have the cosmopolitan Marina with all the boats, bars, restaurants etc, and directly in your eye line across the Marina is the gypsy site.. It must be a contributing factor to so many, still, empty units.
If the town planners have embraced this development, as clearly they have, and good on them, then why do they not address this absolute blight...
Nothing against gypsies but to my mind, 'Marina developments' and gypsy sites next door to each other gives something of a conflict.
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 26/August/2011 at 00:15
Andrew was same thing in Vilamoura many years ago with the shanty town, and it was a big one. 5 star hotel Atlantis now a different name, overlooking shanty town, what a sight that was to the eye if you were staying there. It took years for the council to clear them all away & build the new fishermans Marina. Maybe the same thing will apply to Albufeira Marina.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 26/August/2011 at 10:54
I just took this picture from out of my window. The camp is still there. I had the impression the other day that there were not so many as
last year. Or maybe they go elsewhere for summer. There has also been
some work scraping out what looks like new streets, so perhaps someone
has got their laundered money sorted out for the building of another
luxury tourist condominium, which would do away with the camp.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 26/September/2011 at 18:23
A month has passed. See what progress on Marina Phase Two you can spot.
Some photos -!8182
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 28/September/2011 at 09:14
I went past the works yesterday on a bus. The more I think about it, the odder it seems.
I was expecting to see a big hole, to be filled with water and eventually where boats will be moored. Instead, it looks from the pictures as if the level of the land is being raised.
Also, if I was a company building a prestigious multi-tens of millions of Euros project, I would have a big sign up telling everyone about it. But it's all very anonymous.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 28/September/2011 at 09:25
Also, the 'Farm Village' development down at the marina now appears moribund. I spotted acouple of hard hat blokes pottering around, but the cranes were idle and nothing substantial seems to have been done for months and months.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 11/October/2011 at 09:58
The marina shining brightly in yesterday afternoon's sun with the current work area visible in the background. If you look carefully in the middle of the picture, behind the boats, you can see the half finished great wall, which has been in this state now for months.

Here's another picture from round the other side. See that little building with the tiled roof, bottom centre not far from remains of the round storehouse or maybe a windmill base? Someone is living in there.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 07/November/2011 at 17:09
Shot taken yesterday from up here in Páteo showing the extent of the work. I have some more pictures which I will be sorting out this evening. The cranes in the foreground are in the more or less abandoned Farm Village development.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Walrus
Date Posted: 07/November/2011 at 23:58
Didn't there used to be a mexican steak house/restaurant in the middle of that wooded area? I remember going to one in that general area about 8 years ago: we had my missues sister with us and when we ordered some beers she said (in all seriousness) "but I don't want pop!"... turned out she'd never had Corona beer before
------------- Do not meddle in the affairs of cats for they are subtle and will pee on your computer!
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 08/November/2011 at 07:22
Walrus wrote:
Didn't there used to be a mexican steak house/restaurant in the middle of that wooded area? I remember going to one in that general area about 8 years ago: we had my missues sister with us and when we ordered some beers she said (in all seriousness) "but I don't want pop!"... turned out she'd never had Corona beer before [IMG]smileys/BigSmile.png" height="19" width="19" align="absmiddle" alt="Big%20smile" />
| Mexican is still there,they refused to sell,so they are building round it.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 08/November/2011 at 07:45
I have scrawled round it on Toms picture.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 08/November/2011 at 10:29
The rest of my pictures from Sunday afternoon. I still cannot see any resemblance between what is on the ground and what is on that representation. -!8266
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Walrus
Date Posted: 09/November/2011 at 17:36
tiganut wrote:
Mexican is still there,they refused to sell,so they are building round it. |
Ahh, yeah, that places it roughly where I thought it was, cheers for that  That's it there isn't it? --> -
------------- Do not meddle in the affairs of cats for they are subtle and will pee on your computer!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 10/November/2011 at 10:25
No, that's not it! That orange building, believe it or not, is a waste water pumping station. The restaurant is next door, hidden in that view among the trees.I can't quite see it from my window and in any case it is raining hard but I will see if I can get a picture later.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 10/November/2011 at 16:41
I thought that was it,as last time I was there they had dug away the ground arond the plot,leaving it as a raised plateau,but I will definately bow to your knowledge on this Tom.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 10/November/2011 at 16:50
Here's a picture from another angle. Only the one wall and a bit of another of the pumping station is painted orange. El Panchito (the restaurant) is tucked away in those trees. As you said and can be seen clearly in the picture, the works are taking place al around both. El Panchito looked decidedly not open. The great wall of Albufeira is to the right, the main work site to the left. Páteo water tower can be seen at the very top.
The whole area is a sea of mud and I saw no work taking place when I cycled past around 3pm this afternoon.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Walrus
Date Posted: 12/November/2011 at 17:32
Oh yeah, that's the place  Don't like the look of the clouds tho 
------------- Do not meddle in the affairs of cats for they are subtle and will pee on your computer!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 25/November/2011 at 12:55
One day I shall surprise this lot and find someone actually working on site. Yesterday afternoon the place was a muddy wasteland.

There were a couple of blokes on a ladder pottering around at the Great Wall of Albufeira, but nothing substantial has been done here for months. Do any construction experts know why it is being built with a layer of metal panels rather than concrete?

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 25/November/2011 at 13:36
If you mean the steel flat face panels, about 6' x 3' being assembled like bricks, but without an overlapping pattern, then these are the coffers to make what is known as formwork. It's like a mold, once the temporary 'mold' sides are built they cast the concrete into the 'mold', once set the formwork, making the mold, is removed leaving a concrete wall. In this case a reinforced concrete wall, that's all the steel bars, known as re bars, short for reinforcing bars, that you can see, they get cast into the concrete. This as concrete is strong in compression weak in tension whereas steel is strong in tension and weak in compression. Combine the two and hey presto, best of both worlds. That's the simplistic explanation anyway. Hope of interest, if not, you shouldn't have asked! LOL!
------------- Andrew
Posted By: windmillhill
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 12:44
I can't see your photos, Tom. Just outlines and little red crosses in boxes. Is it just me? Never had any problems before. 
------------- -
Penthouse apartment with spectacular views
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 13:04
Posted By: Chrissy63
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 15:02
Nor me!
------------- Lifes a beach
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 15:43
Posted By: jamieandanne
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 15:50
Nor me
------------- please and thank you
Posted By: jamieandanne
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 15:52
They have just reappeared as if by magic!!!
------------- please and thank you
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 26/November/2011 at 16:59
Not on mine they havent!!
Posted By: windmillhill
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 05:26
Nor mine!
------------- -
Penthouse apartment with spectacular views
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 09:50
Lack of pictures is at your end, refresh browser cache. They are all there.
Andrew - thanks for the explanation. I comprehend! But it is of course still unfinished and has looked like that for months now.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Planitfanit
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 13:42
Nor me!
Browser cashe, Mmmmn.
------------- The sun is the same in a relative way...........but you're older.
Posted By: windmillhill
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 16:09
------------- -
Penthouse apartment with spectacular views
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 16:52
browser cache refreshed but still no pictures showing
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 19:33
I am now on laptop using firefox and Tom's pictures have vanished altogether. I have also lost the log out function as well, how strange.
Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 19:58
No pictures on mine either. What's a browser cache and how do I refresh it?
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 20:15
Perry, look at this link,
Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 20:38
Done that, thanks Poli. No pictures....
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 27/November/2011 at 21:10
Me neither Perry but my log out option has now re-appeared, think I'll have a Macieira or two and then I can better understand the strange goings on.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 21/December/2011 at 10:31
Went past the Marina. Not much happening on the big work site, just a JCB moving some earth around. There was a bloke drilling holes in the great wall and I saw the cranes moving and heard some hammering and banging at the Farm Village site, but overall virtually no activity.
More eyesores.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 21/December/2011 at 11:25
I cannot see the point of continuing with the second phase when the first phase is like a ghost town. The crown plaza building is an eyesore and surely funding the finishing of that would make more sense. Half the shops down at the marina are empty and the rest you wonder how survive!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 17/January/2012 at 17:59
Cycled past this afternoon. No-one working, nothing has happened, the whole area strewn with construction materials. Everyone is so lazy they can't even be bothered to steal the stuff!

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 17/February/2012 at 09:50
Yesterday - works compound empty and abandoned, site closed, only activity was three horses happily grazing. Another blot on the landscape.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 17/February/2012 at 09:52
And the Great Wall of Albufeira has also been abandoned. But it's a really nice view for the high end boat owners.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 27/February/2012 at 07:50
Avril wrote:
I cannot see the point of continuing with the second phase when the first phase is like a ghost town. The crown plaza building is an eyesore and surely funding the finishing of that would make more sense. Half the shops down at the marina are empty and the rest you wonder how survive! | Although most of the shop units are empty,only the two nearest to the wall end remain unsold.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 27/February/2012 at 09:30
Av, seems the developers agree, as they've stopped!
------------- Andrew
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 22/March/2012 at 20:27
Stopped absolutely, wasteland now.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 08/June/2012 at 08:27
Last time I was over,I was told that the planning permission was about to expire,& if the work hadn't started,it would have lapsed.The Marina is pretty well skint,so there is no chance of any real progress in the forseeable future.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 08/June/2012 at 16:17
[/QUOTE]Mexican is still there,they refused to sell,so they are building round it. [/QUOTE]
. Well, El Panchito has not been operating for quite some time but as Cubser says I did notice building work going on and made the assumption that someone had bought it to have a go at another venture ?? Tiganut, lapse of planning permission makes perfect sense as in most countries. New unit opening near Pipa's Bar, was told uit was some sort of Salsa Bar. Rumour, The unfinished bit on the hill was something to do with dirty money which needed to be washed lol. Most of the units trading well and happy, does beat me but there. Spirit Lounge also has free Wi-Fi, used it several times so Orada-Girl could Skype the family at home while I drank.  Oh and there are two guys working on Market Garden, if the silver Astra Estate is there then they are, they move the crane about once a day, quite good really. 
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 09/June/2012 at 09:13
Sonae Group, which owns the Continente hypermarket
brand, is preparing to invest “several million euros†in tourist
projects in the Lagos area, with the main focus being the completion of
two unfinished apartment towers in Ponta da Piedade.
Just read this in the resident. Maybe they'll also buy up unfinished things in Albufeira like the Crown Plaza Development, wouldnt that be good?
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 09/June/2012 at 11:29
A big miss for the Marina Administration and the area in general was that Pingo Doce were involved in a €4m deal for the site behind the Giro bus stop.
The deal was progressing when the Marina Administration decided they wanted €6m so Pingo Doce backed out. The short sightedness on the Portuguese as regards the end game never ceases to amaze me.
This story was from a good source but never seen it published.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 23/October/2012 at 18:02
Avril wrote:
Sonae Group, which owns the Continente hypermarket
brand, is preparing to invest “several million euros†in tourist
projects in the Lagos area, with the main focus being the completion of
two unfinished apartment towers in Ponta da Piedade.
Just read this in the resident. Maybe they'll also buy up unfinished things in Albufeira like the Crown Plaza Development, wouldnt that be good?
Where will they get the money from? The taxes they are not paying the Portuguese government more than likely!
Anyway, I went for a bit of a walk around the marina area this afternoon, partly to test the war wound and partly as I hadn't been down there for a good while. I was struck by the growing difference between the reasonably well presented and active marina area and the increasingly desolate appearance of the area around it.
It's hard to believe that even 25 or 30 years ago this was an area of smallholdings where people worked for a living. The old properties are all now abandoned and falling into ruin. The area that was to have been the second phase of the marina and the associated facilities is now a dusty or muddy wasteland according to season.
There's enough stuff been abandoned or dumped to pave several driveways or footpaths, drainpipes, ducting and stuff. Some is just dumped

Some has been left neatly stacked for over a year now

If you would like to see the other more general pictures I took, follow this link" rel="nofollow -
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 16/January/2013 at 13:28
A few months later and the placed is still blighted. How can those responsible at local, regional and national level be content to see the whole place falling into ruination like this?
Any first time visitor to the Algarve would be forgiven if they thought they had gone back to the Costas in the 1970's with its half built Algerian Ruins. (" rel="nofollow - ) and this is just one small area of one town.
What a sight to greet them!
Anyway, here's the depressing series of pictures from the wasteland I can see from my window here. Taken Tuesday afternoon, 15th January." rel="nofollow -
At least someone get a few big blokes and a truck and swipe the kerbstones for someone's drive.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Walrus
Date Posted: 06/March/2013 at 23:32
cubsur wrote:
A few months later and the placed is still blighted. How can those responsible at local, regional and national level be content to see the whole place falling into ruination like this?
Any first time visitor to the Algarve would be forgiven if they thought they had gone back to the Costas in the 1970's with its half built Algerian Ruins. (" rel="nofollow - ) and this is just one small area of one town.
What a sight to greet them!
Anyway, here's the depressing series of pictures from the wasteland I can see from my window here. Taken Tuesday afternoon, 15th January." rel="nofollow -
At least someone get a few big blokes and a truck and swipe the kerbstones for someone's drive.
Makes for sad viewing 
------------- Do not meddle in the affairs of cats for they are subtle and will pee on your computer!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 07/March/2013 at 07:38
Even sadder now after all this rain, even from up here! If it stops for long enough within the next couple of days I will see if I can get some pictures of the swamp. I can hardly even see it at the moment!
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: J2me
Date Posted: 07/March/2013 at 22:54
I bet that wellies can now be found for sale in the chinese shops........
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 08/March/2013 at 10:37
Funnily enough I went in one yesterday to see if I could find a big envelope (I couldn't, a first! Something a chinese shop didn't sell.) and in the doorway was a big box of umbrellas and two pairs of wellie type boots.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Phantom
Date Posted: 09/March/2013 at 17:33
Wow, I cant believe development of this area has just ceased. It could have had a lot of potential for the area if it was completed properly!
It saddens me how bad Portugal is being effected by the recession and their governments debt burdens. I really hope it doesn't end up having such a negative impact it sets the country back years and people simply stop visiting for holidays :(
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 20/March/2013 at 16:07
Just been for a necessary bit of exercise down that way. Since I was last there someone has recycled (nicked) most of the fence around what were the site offices. The buildings themselves have been totally vandalised.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 20/March/2013 at 16:11
And the Great Wall of Albufeira now looks even worse!

and behind it is well on the way to becoming a mosquito infested swamp.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 01/November/2013 at 17:46
A couple of pictures taken today from right up near the water tower.
The Great Wall of Albufeira. Does anyone know what the point of it was in the first place? No wonder some visitors are not over enthused by the area when they see this!
 This would have been phase two, now being reclaimed by nature.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 02/November/2013 at 00:11
Oh Cubser, your cynicism continues to amaze me, I believe it is well recognized that the "great wall" is part of the lake which was on the phase 2 plans. Whilst it
continues to disappoint me Albufeira Marina was conceived and construction started
on the precipice of a global economic downturn where you could hardly expect development
to continue unabated.
I am continually reminded that it took Vilamoura Marina 30
years to become established due to a previous economic downturn, let's hope
Albufeira Marina does not take quite so long. Any progress in this economic climate is positive progress IMO
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 02/November/2013 at 09:49
Point taken but I still don't see how a huge dividing wall would have been an asset. Never mind, it is there now and I suspect the cost of demolition would be prohibitive.
I like the view of the marina from my window, but I am glad I cannot see the wall.
My overt cynicism comes from the large number of resort and other tourist related projects that are allowed to start but are never finished, thus leaving the area littered with half built ruins. At the very least it makes the place look a mess, at worst it puts people off coming.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 02/November/2013 at 10:54
It wasn't a swipe at you and I totally agree and just don't understand Portuguese due process, I think the word is procrastinação. And yes the authorities continue to approve new construction when there are unfinished developments in various locations.
The great wall appeared some time back when the site for phase 2 was leveled and roads put in, something to do with the expiration of planning I was told. I also don't understand why the Portuguese lay finish standard roads, tarmac and stones at the beginning of building and then destroy them during the site construction 
If there are any Portuguese officials who understand this process, please share.
Posted By: Redchants
Date Posted: 20/November/2013 at 17:32
I have just moved into one of the villas looking across the marina towards the bars etc.. We were told that the development was on hold due to recession but not totally abandoned. Hopefully work will start again in the not so distant future. The development plans look great.
Posted By: Spyderpig
Date Posted: 20/November/2013 at 18:51
On hold or not the Great wall will need to be demolished and re-started I would think. I hope you enjoy the villa. I live on my boat in the marina.
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 20/November/2013 at 19:11
You'll all have to start another forum, you guys, tiganut, Orada man (& woman).. Any others for Marinadotcom?
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 20/November/2013 at 22:40
Redchants wrote:
I have just moved into one of the villas looking across the marina towards the bars etc.. We were told that the development was on hold due to recession but not totally abandoned. Hopefully work will start again in the not so distant future. The development plans look great. |
Welcome to our Marina community Redchants, Spyderpig and Tiganut, as Andrew hinted we are the power to be for 2014 and beyond.
As the powers that be on the Marina keep reminding me "it took Vilamoura Marina 30 years to get established" although I think that is the only milestone Albufeira Marina are working towards lol.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 16/May/2014 at 18:09
The site is slowly returning to nature. The local vandals set fire to the remains of the site offices. Pictures taken Thursday afternoon 15th May.

Still some nice kerbing slabs there if you want them.

or concrete pipes perhaps?

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 16/May/2014 at 18:34
Nonsense, I heard some hammering only yesterday but on reflection maybe he was trapped somewhere.
Anyway it's all just a Portuguese game to satisfy the planners and I have my eye on those paving slabs lol.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 07/October/2014 at 15:23
Six months later...also the kerbstones and pipes are still there. And spot the mounds of earth that have been dumped.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 12/January/2016 at 16:02
Spotted something going on behind the Great Wall earlier today. I wonder what?

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: stuart123
Date Posted: 12/January/2016 at 18:44
Didn't you report that there was a mosquito infested "lake" building up behind there ages ago - perhaps they are filling it in - or hopefully demolishing the wall - its an eyesore!!
Looks nice and sunny though.
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 12/January/2016 at 20:19
That man with the digger is doing great work, just give him time for goodness sake (-;
The lake will be filled, the wall will be repaired. Lake will be fresh water maintained by the council or if not the Marina and changed back as outsourced.
Ground works will be done again for selling plots, can never understand this about the Portuguese system but it the way they roll.
Heard more but was sworn to secrecy for now (probably best I don't embarrass myself passing on Portuguese intentions lol)
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 12/January/2016 at 20:28
Digger man was playing in the site quite a bit recently, however, it's hard to tell what he has done.
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 13/January/2016 at 07:00
I am told that most of the new properties above the marina are sold,so the bank is going to carry on with the development.No movement on the part built hotel though.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 13/January/2016 at 11:25
Well whatever is going on let's hope it doesn't end up another disaster like Oceanville or the several half built ruins up in Sesmarias and São Rafael.
I shall keep watch.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: stuart123
Date Posted: 13/January/2016 at 13:10
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 22/February/2016 at 15:01
Please see" rel="nofollow -
A few pictures from yesterday via that link. Take a look please.
Questions : it can now be seen that some kind of drainage or sewer line is or was being built behind the great wall. But the manhole openings are about 6 feet above current ground level. Why? (Only one excavator thing now on site, no signs of any other activity.)
And what sort of fish are they?
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: steven.vanessa
Date Posted: 22/February/2016 at 19:08
Nice pics, looked a lovely day. Weve always wondered what type of fish they are too as we often feed this type when visiting Villa Real Santo Antonio.
Posted By: lucyr
Date Posted: 22/February/2016 at 19:33
A www great photos, so many lovely memories of lazy days.
------------- my beautiful portugal
Posted By: nazza1968
Date Posted: 23/February/2016 at 10:16
I'm told by a friend that the fish are a type of Grey Mullett
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 23/February/2016 at 11:09
Look mullety to me now." rel="nofollow -
They are edible but I am not sure I would wish to eat one that had been swimming around in the diesel spills and general muck in the marina water
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: ClaireKildare
Date Posted: 23/February/2016 at 11:31
I don't think that is a sewer pipe, it looks more like a cable duct. (I work in pipe for my sins)
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 23/February/2016 at 15:06
last October in the "swampy"area at the town end of the Marina there was an overpowering stench of sewage.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 23/February/2016 at 22:32
Loads of grey mullet in Vilamoura Marina too and has been for years, really big ones.
------------- Polli the dancing cat strikes again.
Posted By: tiganut
Date Posted: 24/February/2016 at 06:56
Mullet tend to inhabit marinas in the UK as well,so the conditions must suit them. There is going to be a lake (pond???)behind that retaining wall.There is a model of the whole development in the sales office,on the square roundabout on the marina.
------------- He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 24/February/2016 at 11:02
I am told that the mullet caught around the marina entrance taste like ***t.
Seems a strange way to build a pond. I hope it will be well drained otherwise it will become mosquito central.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Seven
Date Posted: 24/February/2016 at 13:35
Indeed they are grey mullet. I personally wouldn't want to eat one knowing what their eating habits are. They will taste like ***t as they aren't too fussy what they eat including filter feeding around sewage discharge pipes
Posted By: andy500
Date Posted: 26/March/2016 at 11:01
I don't post on here much but just wondered how far the man with the digger has got... Long way to go looking at the plans for the land for sale on this website. He'll need a couple of skips at least." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 26/March/2016 at 19:02
Jeeezzz, nearly ten million euro for 6500 sq metres of land!?! I get, from the plans, that this would or could be prime real estate, but that's on plans, in reality? I guess the empty units at the Marina wouldn't be empty for very long if this actually happened but just look back towards old town from this spot... Someone thought that would happen but it didn't. How many years is it that this half completed development was abandoned?
------------- Andrew
Posted By: pyrman
Date Posted: 27/March/2016 at 08:50
we thought the same about the one half way up santa eulalia, behind bus stop ... but that will soon be the SANTA EULALIA PRAIA hotel... with current and projected booking levels, it is certainly possible ... at the marina, FARM village must be almost open too ... the little development just up from escalators is also being finished .. another new build at quinta do infante ... plus the moves on Oceanville ... it is all go for Albufeira 2016.
------------- Pyrman
Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 27/March/2016 at 09:54
Montechoro hotel is back on line from about May too...
Posted By: Biggunspaul
Date Posted: 27/March/2016 at 13:00
I will be traveling to albufeira ,would anyone be interested in me taking some drone footage of the marina construction area to post on here ?
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 28/March/2016 at 09:06
Sure would but make sure it's legal. I did see some electricity company people surveying power lines with one, but no doubt here a vast array of permnissions would be needed.
The marina 2nd phase build was half started then abandoned around 6 years ago, the Farm Village place down there has been moribund for about the same amount of time.
One thing I noticed about the marina build was how quickly subsidence has affected the roads and drains that were built. I hope someone has done their homework or any apartments etc built there are going to be affected by the same problem.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 22/April/2016 at 11:39
A few pictures around the abandoned site taken yesterday afternoon. The weather was a gloomy as it looks! There are still plenty of paving blocks and pre-cast manholes to be had if you want them.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 18/February/2017 at 17:04
For developments after February 2017, when it was announced that construction would recommence, please see this new item:" rel="nofollow -
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 14/April/2017 at 11:29
Nothing happening yet. Went for a walk around the marina and the wastelands yesterday afternoon - pictures!Am0w7qp9HCpqgsBdgNpFJ1zmAuV9jg" rel="nofollow -!Am0w7qp9HCpqgsBdgNpFJ1zmAuV9jg
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: lucyr
Date Posted: 14/April/2017 at 12:22
These photos are just fantastic, thanks for posting them.
------------- my beautiful portugal