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Voting in Municipal Elections 2021

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Category: Living in Albufeira / Viver em Albufeira
Forum Name: Local Politics / Polí­tica Local
Forum Description: Discussion on municipality matters / Espaço de discussão sobre assuntos do municí­pio
Printed Date: 28/March/2025 at 06:02
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Topic: Voting in Municipal Elections 2021
Posted By: Richardk
Subject: Voting in Municipal Elections 2021
Date Posted: 25/June/2021 at 21:13
Hi all

The Albufeira Municipal Elections are scheduled for 27th September 2021.
 If you have registered as a Resident you are eligible to vote.
 All you need to get on the Voter's Roll is take your Biometric Application / Residence Permit Application Certificate ( identified by QR Code bottom l/h corner) and your passport to the Junta. The Voters Roll closes 2 months before the election ie last week of July.
Originally the Junta wanted the  plastic Biometric card but as SEF havent begun making them they are now accepting the paper application
The Junta is close to the Camara offices passed the Post Office - Rua Bartolemeu Dias  & open from 9 - 3pm .

Most of you will know the Independent candidate - Abel Zua as the Commander of the Albufeira Bombeiros who is working to represent all of Albufeira - Portuguese and Foreign Citizens.

He deserves your vote so please get registered as soon as you can
Thank you

Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 26/June/2021 at 11:58
That's useful information and thanks for it.

Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve

Posted By: Richardk
Date Posted: 14/July/2021 at 10:35
Just a reminder - residents have just under two weeks to register to vote - details above.

Dont lose your opportunity to make your vote count.

Vota Zua

Posted By: Richardk
Date Posted: 24/August/2021 at 10:58
Albufeira Prometida the independent group led by Abel Zua who many of you know as Commandant of the Albufeira Bombeiros are launching their manifesto this Friday.

The presentation will be in English and all English speaking registered expats are encouraged to attend. 
Friday 27th August 7pm
Lote 13 Avenida das Ilhas  - near Maxi Pizza and Skate Park

Spaces are limited so please confirm to me if you are able to come
Thank you - your support will make a difference
Richard King

Posted By: Richardk
Date Posted: 27/August/2021 at 09:31
Just a reminder that the launch of the Albufeira Prometida Manifesto for the English speaking expats is tonight 7pm
Lote 13 Avenida Das Ilhas
I look forward to seeing you there

Posted By: Richardk
Date Posted: 21/September/2021 at 10:26
Voting takes place this sunday - 26th September.
For those in Albufeira & Olhos D Agua it will be at Escola Secundario de Albufeira ( by Calicos Market & close to LIDL) .
Paderne ,Guia & Ferrierias  will be at respective middle schools
Opening times 8am to 7pm
Best to take with you your Passport ,Biometric Appln or card & Voter Registration form

Please vote Albufeira Prometida

Posted By: Richardk
Date Posted: 27/September/2021 at 11:10
I am delighted to announce Abel Zua has been elected onto the City Council & Monica Felix & Carla Viera onto the Municipal Assembly.
Thanks to all that voted Albufeira Prometida

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