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Shalom 2 reopened

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Category: Tourism / Turismo
Forum Name: Restaurants & Portuguese Cuisine / Restaurantes & a Comida
Forum Description: Share your experience eating out in Albufeira / Partilhe as suas experiências culinárias...
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Topic: Shalom 2 reopened
Posted By: Richardk
Subject: Shalom 2 reopened
Date Posted: 30/June/2020 at 22:24
Hi all. 
Shalom 2 has reopened this evening so hopefully this will be the start of many more re openings. Old town not busy but a few people around . A few tourist shops open.
Fingers crossed with increasing number of flights over next few days there will be  a buzz in Albufeira again

Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 01/July/2020 at 09:56
The only notable 'absentees' at the moment are the big places around the square (except Buddy's) which are of course favorites among the British and some of the others away from the seafront.  British are still conspicuous by their absence.

Many flights from UK scheduled from tomorrow. Let's hope for the sake of the businesses here that they are busy, despite the threat of a quarantine upon return.

Still no sign though of 'entertainment' bars being allowed to open. So there will be lots of late drinking on hotel and apartment balconies methinks.

Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve

Posted By: pyrman
Date Posted: 01/July/2020 at 10:21
May have to wait a couple of weeks ... Travel Republic and are among the bigger booking agents and they are not showing any availability before July 11 ... possibly due to the uncertainty caused by blowhard Boris ...  


Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 01/July/2020 at 14:23
Well, thread going off topic but flights resumed today, I know people travelling out today so the Brits are coming.


Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 02/July/2020 at 09:32
Nine flights from UK due in today of a total of 28. Still a fraction of what would normally be expected.

Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve

Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 15/July/2020 at 12:23
Quick update on restaurants in Valle de Parra from last night.Not extensive as we only did a loop round.

Prima Pasta (and very busy)
Sao Domingos
Mr. Singh (best Indian food for miles)
Ti Manel, rammed, as always, mainly locals
Restaurant China open but take away only.
Bello Piatto rammed, parking up and down pavement, fair recommendation in itself.
Kozinha, ditto, rammed, large car park full, place looked fully booked/occupied.

Girasol, still closed up, all sorts of rumours but not looking good
Jompra, closed, looked like for some time as well.
Restaurant on junction, just past The Dubliner, was closed as was The Dubliner.

Well, the above from a quick five minute drive around, there is treble and four times that amount of restaurants in the locale so I’ll let you know as we find out.


Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 15/July/2020 at 12:51
Jompra looked very closed when I did my rounds five weeks ago. Pôr do Sol had a sign saying 'opening soon' but obviously it hasn't.

Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve

Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 15/July/2020 at 20:38
Thanks for jogging my memory Tom, yes the place just up from The Dubliner is Por do Sol.

I’m also advised “A Casa do Avo” (my grandfathers kitchen) is open and busy as is the Pirri pirri takeaway just the other side of the road.
Both of these are on the crest of the hill on Guia road out of Valle de Parra, literally less than a minute from the donkey island.


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