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New street lighting for Albufeira

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Category: Living in Albufeira / Viver em Albufeira
Forum Name: Notes on the City Council / Recados à Autarquia
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Printed Date: 07/February/2025 at 18:53
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Topic: New street lighting for Albufeira
Posted By: cubsur
Subject: New street lighting for Albufeira
Date Posted: 18/June/2020 at 11:50
The council is spending some €675,000 on replacing the old streetlights with modern LED equipment. They reckon to get the money back in about five years because of lower electricity bills and reduced maintenance.

So far, 955 new lights have been installed. A contract has been signed for the next stage, replacement of 2500 lights along the main Avenida across town.

The complete plan will require the installation of 6200 lighting columns all over town and the more rural areas in partnership with EDP.

Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve

Posted By: Richardk
Date Posted: 18/June/2020 at 15:01
I hope they work better than those in Parque Alfrobeirra (near the bus station). A couple of years ago they replaced the bulbs with LED but last winter over half had failed. Fingers crossed they replace them all

Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 19/June/2020 at 10:42
The old vaguely amber coloured street lights have been being replaced here over the last few years. I find them much betterand so far have been reliable. They are also designed to direct all the ight downwards.  Maybe in years to come we'll see the stars once more.

It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams

Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 24/April/2021 at 10:23
 Our new street lights in Páteo are really bright!

Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve

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