Some old pictures
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Topic: Some old pictures
Posted By: cubsur
Subject: Some old pictures
Date Posted: 14/June/2020 at 08:59
Thanks to Bob D. I don't recall having seen these before. I think you will recognise the places. I reckon taken late 70's or early 80's." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 14/June/2020 at 09:33
Crackers, thanks Bob and Tom. I will duly add to my collection. I reckon I have over a thousand now. Bob they look like photos to me not postcards. Do you know who’s they are please? Might need copyright permission if I ever get this book put together! Tom, the Square with the pool like that is definitely ‘81 or later, I have pics of Trish there at that time. Cheers fellas.
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Big Col
Date Posted: 14/June/2020 at 10:50
"Albufeira old town appreciation society" on Facebook
------------- Colin
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 14/June/2020 at 17:51
I shall try to do a then and now of the first one. I did have a look today, but I suspect it was taken from one of the buildings that used to be along that road, or possibly from the corner of the old cemetery, which was closed today.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 18/June/2020 at 11:34
Below is the best I can do fora 'then and now' for theh first picture. The landscape has changed a lot since the original was taken. It wasn't taken from the cemetery, the wall is too high. I think it must have been from one of the buildings since demolished and where the Finisterre luxury tourist block is under construction.
I spotted the remains of one of the red and white posts. The new footpath etc is several metres back from the line of the cliff. The little bit of beach is still there, but a different shape now with a slipway for the boats that are stored there.
Click the picture to see larger size." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 19/June/2020 at 10:37
Thanks for that.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 07/September/2020 at 15:17
This short video was ~20 years ago shot at the discoveries roundabout, I uploaded it this morning as there is a bit of social distancing at play but more to do with the size of the cab on the wagon :D
I wonder would the GNR allow such behaviour these days." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 07/September/2020 at 17:41
Seems to be about home improvement.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 08/September/2020 at 08:27
Is that link correct? Doesn't look like it.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 08/September/2020 at 11:41
The link isn't working says can't be found.
------------- Polli the dancing cat strikes again.
Posted By: Orada-man
Date Posted: 08/September/2020 at 17:33
Sorry all, I work on many forums but I had trouble with a link on here before. The link should be working now and below is an alternative link to the same clip." rel="nofollow -
Both have been tested.
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 10/September/2020 at 09:39
That’s Albufeira for you 👍
------------- Andrew
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 10/September/2020 at 12:46
They still let travellers clop around in horse and cart with children hanging off the sides and back.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 10/September/2020 at 17:04
More than once in Greece I saw Mum, Dad and 2 kids on a scooter.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 26/September/2020 at 10:37
Bob has sent some more old pictures of town. Some are familiar, others are not. I shall work on some 'then and nows' over the next few days." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 26/September/2020 at 10:58
Thanks Cubsur & Bob. Nice to see.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 26/September/2020 at 16:10
Hi Cubsur. The street named Rua do Casino is now Rua 5 de Outubro it took a while so work it out untill i noticed the bell tower over the old hospital on the left of the photo.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 28/September/2020 at 15:33
Here's the first three 'then and nows' as promised. Click to see the pictures in a larger size.
The first view is often seen. The tower in the centre was one of the last remains of the fort on top of the hill which was demolished, if I recall correctly, around 100 years ago so the picture is possibly pre First World War. I have lent my reference books so cannot check." rel="nofollow">
The second is obviously the old town square. I would say 1920's or early 30's going by the style of the cars. Modern building and the trees have all but consigned the view to history. At the top centre though the building with the three tall windows is now Sir Harry's Bar." rel="nofollow">
And it's now Rua 5 de Outubro where most of the buildings are still standing, but repurposed. At the top you can tell that the Sol e Mar hotel is yet to be built, which places the original probably in the late 1950's, maybe early 1960's. Interesting given that the revolution was in 1910, so it didn't take its modern name until fairly recent times. I can't remember when the Casino was closed down. I am sure I have that date somewhere." rel="nofollow">
More later this week,
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 28/September/2020 at 16:51
Good work Cubsur.
The old house in the bottom left photo was where the artist Samora Barros lived. I guess he was living there when the photo was taken but not sure. The building has not changed shape at all, apart from the shop units below.
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 28/September/2020 at 19:47
on the last photo just above the car on the left is a sign Farmacia and its still operating as a Farmacia. Also i am trying to remember when the sol e mar was built, I have read the plaque inside many times and I think it was 1951.
Posted By: lucyr
Date Posted: 28/September/2020 at 19:54
wow brilliant, what an amazing comparison, thanks for doing that, much appreciated
------------- my beautiful portugal
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 28/September/2020 at 20:52
Google search re the Sol E Mar. It opened its doors to guests in 1965.
------------- Polli the dancing cat strikes again.
Posted By: port princess
Date Posted: 29/September/2020 at 06:09
Thankyou Tom so much pictures are fabulous .
------------- Portprincess
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 29/September/2020 at 17:57
Ive been told on good authority that the casino was in what is now know as the Atrium restaurant in the 1940s or 50s and the Sol e Mar was completed on the 09 Feb 1965 and opened on 1st of July 1965
Posted By: Gazza
Date Posted: 29/September/2020 at 18:07
Great work.
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 29/September/2020 at 22:14
Tom re the 3rd bottom left picture showing the building before Sol E Mar was built. A guy called Paulo Norberto posted a picture of this approx 5 days ago on Facebook " Albufeira Old Town Appreciation Society" page from the beach side. Seems it was his grandparents house called Solar Dos Bastardinhos. Apparently they sold their land and house to the Sol E Mar construction due to being short of money and in debt. Tried to post a photo of it but having problems doing so. This is the link if any other member can post it for me who are members of this facebook page. Sorry if the link isnt direct." rel="nofollow -
[link created by moderator]
------------- Polli the dancing cat strikes again.
Posted By: Big Col
Date Posted: 30/September/2020 at 09:26
The same gentleman (Paulo Norberto) has posted many excellent pictures on that Facebook page. Several are older photos in and around Albufeira and some are more recent.
I notice today that there are photos of new/replacement tourist statues on the viewing area at the top of the escalators. I wasn't aware the old ones had been replaced.
------------- Colin
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 30/September/2020 at 10:18
If you are reposting any of Sr Norberto's pictures here, please remember to give him a credit.
I will be out later to try to create a couple more then and now shots.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 30/September/2020 at 11:18
Your "now" comparison photo's are excellent Cubsur. It must be difficult to get the right angle. Thanks.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 30/September/2020 at 16:42
As Jock says, it's often very difficult to get exactly the same angle. Modern building, taller trees and erosion of the cliffs all cause problems. Here are a couple more I managed to do on my way to town this afternoon. Click the top picture to see it in a larger size.
These were taken from just outside the old cemetery, not far from the late lamented Arte Bar." rel="nofollow">
These next shots were taken from Largo do Rossio near the Iguana Café.
 More in a day or two. The one with the truck is impossible. I am fairly sure it is the beach end of the tunnel but the Sol e Mar hotel completely covers that location.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 30/September/2020 at 20:07
I think you are correct about the photo with the truck as the steps behind the truck and rocks look like the steps and wall that lead up to the Casa del Mar restaurant. but I could be wrong.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 01/October/2020 at 09:03
That's exactly what I thought. A pity the picture isn't at a slightly wider angle.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 01/October/2020 at 10:11
Not exactly aeons ago, these were taken by me in September 2006. The area is almost unrecognisable from what it is now. The fishermen still used the beach then.!Am0w7qp9HCpqhE2wiYjQyUIb4i_A?e=9tiMU1%20" rel="nofollow -!Am0w7qp9HCpqhE2wiYjQyUIb4i_A?e=9tiMU1
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 04/October/2020 at 09:49
Best I have been able to do so far with this one. Modern building has blocked every angle from where the original was probably taken. I had to climb up Rua das Palinhas, above the square, to even see the church. The tall building to the right of the church tower is where the Vila Recife hotel now stands. Just about the only other one that is recognisable is the small building just left of centre, 'below' the church. I will try to have another go at this one with my better camera. Click the picture to see it full size." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 04/October/2020 at 12:04
Well done Cubsur. As well as the angle I suppose the camera lense focal distance will be a consideration too. Thanks for doing these.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 05/October/2020 at 09:13
Yes focal distances, picture frame sizes etc are often a problem. I plan to go further up the hill this afternoon to try to get a better rendition. But obviously the original was taken from a place lower down than is now possible.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 05/October/2020 at 11:11
I agree about the building below Left of Church, and it has now gained an extra floor. The tall building to the right of church is now the reception of the Hotel Recife.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 05/October/2020 at 18:22
Tried but no luck. There is just too much in the way. Make the best of these as you will.I took a couple of others while I was up there." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 06/October/2020 at 08:59
I think the only way you would get close to the original is with the use of a drone.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 06/October/2020 at 12:34
I guess so. I know someone who has one but there are probably 100 laws that would be broken if using one above town. There will be others to investigate I am sure.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: bebop
Date Posted: 06/October/2020 at 22:16
Enjoying seeing these pics. Lovely to see the 'then and now's, thanks Cubsur. In the Church pic, there is a domed roof building to the left of the front of the church. Is this building in both pics?
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 07/October/2020 at 08:33
Yes, the domed building is just visible in both pictures. It is dome of the former São Sebastião church, which is now an art museum.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Gazza
Date Posted: 07/October/2020 at 09:29
Good attempt nonetheless.
Posted By: bebop
Date Posted: 07/October/2020 at 20:28
Ah yes, we would have passed by many times on our way from Pateo, when we stayed up there, down to old town. Hadn't seen it from that angle before Thank you for keeping us updated until we can visit again.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 17/March/2021 at 17:20
Sent by Bob D and one of Paulo Norberto's postcards. Seems to show a bar or terrace on the steps down to the beach by where the lift now stands. Unsure of the date at this time. Neither of us remembers such a place. Can anyone shed any light on this one?" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: pyrman
Date Posted: 18/March/2021 at 11:43
Saw a photo somewhere in the last week ... maybe postcard also ... which showed that structure .. will try to find it again..
in Old Town appreciation society facebook .... another Norberto" rel="nofollow -
------------- Pyrman
Posted By: Teresa
Date Posted: 18/March/2021 at 14:19
Love the old pics! Thanks to all who share them. I spent a few summers in Albufeira as a child (before it was considered 'old' town! lol), in the late 60s/early 70s and have so many wonderful memories... being at the beach exactly as shown in the pic, the fish market at praia dos pescadores, playing in friends' homes that are now bars and seeing movies at the theatre on Rua Candido dos Reis. When there, I see it all through two perspectives... my childhood memories and what is there now. Wonderful memories of the past and wonderful new memories in the making! :)
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 19/March/2021 at 08:51
"in Old Town appreciation society facebook .... another Norberto"
place I suspect the postcard photo was taken from is the building just
right of centre which sits on a kind of platform. Already looking
slightly precarious, that's the one that fell into the sea around 2005.
None of the pictures I have so far seen show any evidence of anything lower down the steps. Later today I shall be looking.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: pyrman
Date Posted: 19/March/2021 at 10:19
Here is another one" rel="nofollow -
------------- Pyrman
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 19/March/2021 at 15:46
Bob was right! The building that fell down is too high up, so there must have been a kiosk or tiny bar half way up the steps. The clue is in the distinctive shape on the concrete wall." rel="nofollow">
There is slight evidence with different coloured tiles etc that something stood there." rel="nofollow">
The cliffs are now a different shape The end wall is obviously a later addition and is already parting company with the rest." rel="nofollow">
The changed shape of the cliffs means it wasn't possible to get quite the same angle for a 'then and now' but here's my best effort : click to see larger size" rel="nofollow">
I suspect the original wall was where I have put the pink line. This picture I took in December 2004 shows how different that area was." rel="nofollow">
and today" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 19/March/2021 at 15:59
pyrman wrote:
Here is another one" rel="nofollow -
An old picture! Certainly 2006 or earlier. Work on the lift began in 2007. And the text refers to the Gruta (grotto) do Xorino which is now inaccessible, the path having collapsed long since but which is visible in pictures from the 40's and 50's in my photo book.
I am having a search of my pictures from 2006 and 2007 before the lift was built and the cliffs cut back, to see if I can a more detailed look at the area.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 19/March/2021 at 17:07
Excellent work Detective Cubsur.
The round topped pillar is a brilliant spot.
I imagine the small bar would have been a very nice way to spend an afternoon.
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 20/March/2021 at 08:32
I have a note in my picture files that the precarious building was demolished some time late in 2005. I remember bits of the garden down at the bottom of the cliff. Here's some pictures from 2007 and 2008 showing the work to stablise the cliff and in preparation for the construction of the lift.
10th September 2007" rel="nofollow"> 20th October 2007" rel="nofollow"> 1st April 2008" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: lucyr
Date Posted: 20/March/2021 at 08:38
Thanks very much for these photos,wow
------------- my beautiful portugal
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 20/March/2021 at 09:34
Many years ago didn't that part of the cliff collapse onto the beach and wasn't somebody killed by it but my memory is not that good now so I could be wrong. About the bar, when I saw the new beach restaurant being erected I asked the manager of the Sol-e-Mar how did they get planning permission. he replied that the Roccomar hotel had a beach bar there many years ago so didn't need it, maybe they ran the small bar on the steps to the beach.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 21/March/2021 at 08:35
There was indeed a small bar type building on the beach, tucked right under the cliff behind the pinnacle. I don't think I have any pictures, I will have a look though. But if memory serves it was washed away in a particularly violent storm, before the beach was made wider about 10 years ago.
The cliff collpase was probably the one at Praia Maria Luisa, where several members of a family ignored the warning signs and were sitting under a cliff when it collapsed. Subsequently that cliff was chopped back as was done along the main beach.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 21/March/2021 at 08:58
Thanks Cudsur for the update. As I said my memory is not what it was.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 27/March/2021 at 15:07
Here's a view I don't recall having seen before. Probably taken in the early 1960's (although the original caption says 1950's) the Sol e Mar hotel is under construction. Note the huge difference in the height of the beach in the foreground to what it is now." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 27/March/2021 at 15:24
they must have pumped a lot of sand to widen the beach to its present height. Didn't we have this discussion last year about when the hotel opened?
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 28/March/2021 at 08:36
Yes there was a massive project in 2011 to widen the beach, mostly so that more tourists could sit on it, but also to help prevent the cliffs being eroded by keeping the waves back about 50 metres.
See" rel="nofollow - for example. Unfortunately the link to other pictures no longer works but there are more at" rel="nofollow -
Yes there was discussion about Sol e Mar which I cannot find at present.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: lucyr
Date Posted: 28/March/2021 at 08:44
thanks as always for the old photos, very pleasant to look at on a rainy, windy morning
------------- my beautiful portugal
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 29/March/2021 at 10:31
Bob sent this one of the Bank (as it was) under construction. It was, unfortunately for the purpose of comparison, obviously taken from the roof of one of the buildings down the side of the square, an option not open to me!
Best Ican do is a manipulation of Google Maps 3D image, but that doesn't give quite the same perspective. The area to the right as we look has changed almost out of recognition. What was once probably an open air restaurant is now covered. The line of the v shaped wall can be discerned, but the tall chimney has gone. To the left, the modern covered terrace obscures the view of the former street line.
Cliock to see a larger size, click again when you get there for biggest size." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 04/May/2021 at 12:21
Just have been on the CASA DEL MAR restaurant web page and they have a few old photos I have never seen before. Click on History then read more to reveal 5 old Photos.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 05/May/2021 at 07:52
Thanks. There are a couple there I have not seen before so I will try to make a 'then and now' comparison.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 05/May/2021 at 14:56
Thank You Tom It will be appreciated. I may call you Tom may I. As i haves seen this on other posts
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 06/May/2021 at 08:58
AJSUGGY wrote:
Thank You Tom It will be appreciated. I may call you Tom may I. As i haves seen this on other posts |
You may! I have been called a lot worse. I will be out and about at the weekend.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 10/May/2021 at 09:30
I have some pictures and will have some before and afters later today. Stuff to do this morning.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 10/May/2021 at 13:17
Ok some then and nows, using the Casa del Mar photos suggested.
This one was fairly easy, the steps by the tunnel, but I shall have to go back at the crack of dawn when the blinds and stands are not out. Date of original unknown, I guess early 70's as Sol e mar is there plus the clothing. However, the chap in the bottom right hand corner looks distinctly like someone many of us know!
Click to see a larger size and click again when you get there for the full size." rel="nofollow">
View from the top of the steps along Rua 5 de Outubro." rel="nofollow">
This one was a bit difficult but I got there in the end. Date of original unknown, although pre-dates any 1960's building. Although some buildings on the skyline can be easily made out, modern building has changed the view a lot." rel="nofollow">
But this view was impossible to replicate. I suspect it was taken from the church tower or the roof of a nearby building. I have copied an approximation from Google satellite, picking out the two prominent landmarks, the clock tower by the Sol e Mar and the church tower of São Sebastião" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 10/May/2021 at 16:11
Thanks Tom, great effort to get those pics.
Posted By: Teresa
Date Posted: 10/May/2021 at 18:32
Thanks for posting the pics... old and new!! :)
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 10/May/2021 at 20:52
Good word Cubsur.
The chap at the bottom right is uncannily familiar. 😄
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: Jock
Date Posted: 11/May/2021 at 12:08
You're right Bob.
------------- It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear. Douglas Adams
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 08/October/2021 at 15:54
From 'Suggy' some pictures of Albufeira old town flooded in the 1950's." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: J2me-2
Date Posted: 08/October/2021 at 19:48
Wow, that must have been some storm that lead to that flooding.
The first photograph looks like it was taken from inside a car!
I would imagine that the flooded look down at the beach was most unusual - but it those days the damage might have taken several months to correct in comparison to what would happen today.
The old square must have been a big muddy mess!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 09/October/2021 at 08:47
If my recall is correct, the storm co-incided with a high tide much as it did in more recent times. Rainwater coming down the hills had nowhere to go.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 27/August/2022 at 14:23
There is a display of pictures of old Albufeira along the wall of the street that runs along the top of the cliff near the Rocamar hotel.
Two I haven't seen before and will be of interest.
First one shows the Avenida 25 de Abril, early 60's I think now. Much changed now. Turial Park apartments now stand to the right of the funfair. The chimney of the old factory is still there, by the parking garage." rel="nofollow">
Second shows where the marina is now. Taken from somewhere up here in Páteo. When my battery has recharged I will see if I can get a 'now' picture." rel="nofollow">
Take a look at those pictures if you can. Many show what everyday life was like before the tourists came.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 29/August/2022 at 10:28
Best I have been able to do so far. New buildings and trees are blocking the best angle I have found. Will try again this afternoon when the sun has gone round." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 20/October/2023 at 17:36
Never did manage to follow that one up!
Anyway, a few days ago I was walking past the former Imortal HQ building when I spotted a pile of stuff outside the almost demolished building next door. Being a nosy person, i had a poke around and found a box stuffed with postcards never bought, never sent, so must have been the remains from a souvenir shop or suchlike. Many duplicates, including a huge number of Carvoeiro. But there were a few of Albufeira. Here are the first four. I am not sure of the date but my feeling is early 1990's. You may remember those times, when you sent a postcard to Auntie and it would arrive before you got back.
These are the first four. The one top left is puzzling me. It is obviously somewhere to the east of the old town, but I don't recognise it all. Any ideas? The pool picture I also don't know. The back just says 'pool in a tourist village' which is not helpful." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 20/October/2023 at 19:30
I think the pool is at camping club Albufeira. It was the first place we stayed at in Portugal. It was about 1984.
------------- suggy
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 20/October/2023 at 22:44
Coukd the top left one possibly be on the road down near the Inatel??
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 21/October/2023 at 07:49
bob d wrote:
Could the top left one possibly be on the road down near the Inatel?? |
That had occurred to me, but the area has changed so much. I shall pore diligently over the satellite views.
The pool picture does resemble the area at Camping Albufeira but some of the detail doesn't look right, unless it's been altered. See" rel="nofollow -
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 22/October/2023 at 12:34
As I wrote it was 40 years ago a lot could have changed, and my memory is not as what it was. I will check some old photos of the camp site though, when I can find them.
------------- suggy
Posted By: AJSUGGY
Date Posted: 22/October/2023 at 17:59
just been looking at some photos of my kids around the pool from the 80s. Definitely not the one on your post card though.
------------- suggy
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 23/October/2023 at 08:59
Thanks. We shall have to keep looking. There are pools of similar design, I thought for a moment Vila Nova but that one is more straight lines than curves.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 20/February/2024 at 18:48
Some while back I mentioned that a good collection of old pictufres were on show on the wall up near the Rocamar. Sad to day, they have all now been removed. Some were stolen not long after having been put up.
In their place a kind of historical mural is being painted." rel="nofollow">
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 10/April/2024 at 17:25
While I was in UK I helped out with a house clearance. Among the many books recovered was a little picture book of the Algarve, published in 1974. There's a couple of Albufeira and a few more of other places that I scanned. Many will be recognised, but perhaps not remembered!
Here they are -" rel="nofollow -
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve