The Green tiled building is for sale
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Topic: The Green tiled building is for sale
Posted By: cubsur
Subject: The Green tiled building is for sale
Date Posted: 08/August/2008 at 11:51
I observe that the much-discussed green tiled building (near Bizarro) has a 'Vende-se' sign on it.
I should imagine the plot is worth a fortune; the structure itself rather less so.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 08/August/2008 at 12:58
I want it, I want it............if you ever hear how much it is cubs, let us know.
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: Exiledbee2
Date Posted: 08/August/2008 at 14:35
ERA are the esate agents, I've had a look on their web site but cannot find it.
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 08/August/2008 at 21:52
We should all club together and buy it and build a niche hotel. What a location! I think we would be quids in in 10 years. I've got a spare £20 any advances?
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!
Posted By: Exiledbee2
Date Posted: 08/August/2008 at 22:38
Unless u have at least Euro 1 million forget about it.
Posted By: Scorpion
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 20:25
Agree with Avril - we need a consortium. I have always said that would be a great property to rennovate.
BTW - we fly out tomorrow morning - yeah!!
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 21:52
Right I've got it sorted. We all need to buy a £1.50 euromillions lotto and one of us will surely win. They the rest of us will then mug the winner and convert the building into an "uber" hotel. This will attract the rich and famous into Albufeira, we will then all become super stars and will strutt our stuff along the prom in our "get you" outfits and designer shades (supplied by P & A Eyecare of course) and if we don't make any money out of it at least we'll look the part! He who dares wins - Rodney!
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 22:37
Wey Hey Avril what a good idea, put me a pair of Dame Edna shades to one side please
Posted By: ruthb
Date Posted: 09/August/2008 at 23:14
CanI have some Elton John style specs please? Circa the Tommy era? Tehee. Does anyone have a pic of this building as Im curious now, Im sure I'll know it by sight xx
Posted By: bob d
Date Posted: 10/August/2008 at 12:08
I'm sure there was a picture of it on cubsurs web site showing the graffiti on it.
------------- we're not brazil we're norn iron
Posted By: webs
Date Posted: 10/August/2008 at 17:17
Me and my partner were looking at this a couple of weeks ago and commenting on what a nice building it could be especially with all the tiles refurbed....and then the sign went up on the wednesday 30th, we asked the agent out of curiosity and all he said was "nice building and a very nice price".
Posted By: webs
Date Posted: 10/August/2008 at 17:18
sorry also forgot to mention, the front is being sold as a bar/resteraunt and the rear is being sold seperatly as a 4 bed apartment/townhouse.
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 11/August/2008 at 11:03
The 'Vende-se' sign has disappeared!
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Exiledbee2
Date Posted: 11/August/2008 at 13:40
Its probably been nicked!
Posted By: Bobster
Date Posted: 11/August/2008 at 20:21
I've always had a soft spot for this building, and, often wondered what it would look like restored to it's former glory - stunning I think!! Oh well, that's another fantasy smashed to smithereens - I'd never in the memory of man be able to afford it, but, these are the things of dreams. Right near to the smashing home made cake in Bizarro too!!!
Posted By: mystery
Date Posted: 12/August/2008 at 19:23
I would have loved to have bought that building, but like Bobster would never have been able to afford it!
Posted By: Bobster
Date Posted: 13/August/2008 at 21:44
We should form a consortium mystery!! All chuck into the pot and share out the weeks of the year!! That's the only way I'd come close to doing it - buying the green tiiled place I meant!!
Posted By: mystery
Date Posted: 18/August/2008 at 19:45
Bobster wrote:
We should form a consortium mystery!! All chuck into the pot and share out the weeks of the year!! That's the only way I'd come close to doing it - buying the green tiiled place I meant!! |
 What a good idea, if only I could win the lottery (I don't half sound like my mum)
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 16/September/2008 at 22:34
OK I have a good idea. We need to grab a shark, bang it on the head, stuff it, suspend it in formaldahyde in a tank, give it to the tate modern who will exhibit it and before you know it some eejit will give us 9.5million for it and we will then be able to buy the green tiled building and the rest of Albufeira!! God am I good or what?
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 16/September/2008 at 23:42
Glad you spelt the formaldahyde right Avril, excellent stuff for everlasting preservation. With all that money we could take over Camara and have cubby as President/Mayor, I'm sure he would do an excellent job reducing our utilities etc, and more so, getting rid of all the graffiti around, and the pan pipes too
Posted By: alan&alice
Date Posted: 07/October/2008 at 23:16
No lets keep the panpipes,at least ther'e entertaining .
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 08/October/2008 at 10:13
Is it still up for sale and if so does anyone know for how much?
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!
Posted By: lynn1tony
Date Posted: 08/October/2008 at 10:42
Cubsur do you have a picture of this building not sure which one it is
------------- Lynda
Posted By: gerry
Date Posted: 08/October/2008 at 23:45
The "green building" with the fantastic view has planning permission for a restaurant, and the asking price is around 550000 Euros there is also a building behind it available for around the same price, so you can buy the two. Now that I have disclosed this I bet they will be gone before the weekend.
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 09/October/2008 at 00:25
Lynne & Tony I think there is a picture of it on cubsurs website at - unfortunately I am not sure where it is situated so you will have to hunt around for it.
Posted By: windmillhill
Date Posted: 09/October/2008 at 06:29
Here's an old photo (I loved that balustrade! ) taken on the Esplanade outside the Rocamar looking westwards. You can see the green tiled building just beyond the Rocamar and before the Bizarro Bar.
------------- -
Penthouse apartment with spectacular views
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 01/November/2008 at 10:02
you see those lovely seats to the left of the lovely tree,which is just to the left of the green tiled building, well i was sat on one of those back in july and a bird poo-poo-ed on me while doing a nice..!
Posted By: Milly_Molly
Date Posted: 01/November/2008 at 22:17
Carslberg, when a bird drops it's doo-doo on you, it's supposed to be lucky!
(You should have ran and put a Euro lottery ticket on! )
Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 03/November/2008 at 07:08
supposed to be not me.
Posted By: TheLadyFiona
Date Posted: 21/November/2008 at 15:42
I am surprised that Diaz hasnt bought it; He has bought up everyting else! I guess his boutique hotel isn't doing well. And there's that goregous old ruin at Sao Vicente park which used to be the HQ of 'The Party". It looked like it was under consruction when I left in April. Does anyone know about that?
------------- Viva Portugal!
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 19/May/2009 at 13:35
Has anyone seen the photo in the Resident of the Estoi Palace. It has been fully restored and renovated and looks a lot like the green tiled building. Just shows what could be done. If the green tiled building was renovated in a similar way it would look magnificent, particularly with it's location.
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 19/May/2009 at 15:04
I did and what a transformation from a couple of years ago.
And have a look at this lot! Talk about OTT.
I wouldn't feel appropriate staying in there!
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 19/May/2009 at 21:24
Oh Cubby, surely you have a tux and could quaff champagne with the "best" of us. I would love to stay there it looks sooooo Fab! Where exactly is the Estoi Palace?
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 20/May/2009 at 08:43
It's right in the middle of the little town of Estoi, which is just off the N2 about 6 miles north of Faro.
It's set in some very nice looking ornamental gardens which were open to the public a couple of years ago. It obviously was a palace. You approach through a suitably impressive set of gates along a gravelled drive past the stables and then the grand entrance up those steps. Never been inside as it was closed prior to restoration when last I was there.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: alan&alice
Date Posted: 20/May/2009 at 22:03
Posted By: Margb1509
Date Posted: 11/August/2009 at 06:05
It's right in the middle of the little town of Estoi, which is just off the N2 about 6 miles north of Faro.
It's set in some very nice looking ornamental gardens which were open to the public a couple of years ago. It obviously was a palace. You approach through a suitably impressive set of gates along a gravelled drive past the stables and then the grand entrance up those steps. Never been inside as it was closed prior to restoration when last I was there. ==
I have also been there and it was under restoration so you couldn't go inside. Can you go inside it now? I was dying to go inside but everything was locked but we could peep thru some windows!
This place is magnificent, I have pics of it... will try and find them at some point. I wonder who this belongs to now and what is to become of it, is it a residence or a lodging of some sort?
------------- -Marg -
Posted By: Margb1509
Date Posted: 11/August/2009 at 06:09
cubsur wrote:
I did and what a transformation from a couple of years ago.
And have a look at this lot! Talk about OTT.
I wouldn't feel appropriate staying in there!
Ok well ignore my previous post lol obviously this place is now some kind of resort!! Wow i can't believe what they've done, but at least the original house has been restored and refurbished by the looks of it. I think I'd be afraid to ask what it would cost to stay there one night!!
------------- -Marg -
Posted By: Margb1509
Date Posted: 28/August/2009 at 05:00
cubsur wrote:
I did and what a transformation from a couple of years ago.
And have a look at this lot! Talk about OTT.
I wouldn't feel appropriate staying in there!
Here's another article on the history of the Palacio de Estoi: -
------------- -Marg -
Posted By: TheLadyFiona
Date Posted: 28/August/2009 at 14:09
Hello, "Cubsur"
I was not shocked that the cliff at Maria Luisa beach collapsed! It was beyond horrible that anyone was caught beneath it, though. (I never walk close to those shored-up aberrations. I don't trust anything done by the new, young, town planners.) The elevator, the "new" plaza, which used to be O JArdim....
Do you have photos?
Has there been any progress in the search for the person who abducted little Madeleine?
I know that this is "off topic" but perhaps it is time to talk about things of consequence (?)
I visited the palace at Estoi some years ago. It was so beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing it again and perhaps being able to afford a cocktail there~!
------------- Viva Portugal!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 28/August/2009 at 19:44
All the recent photos I have are on my webspace - and there are i am afraid none of Maria Luisa, but the Portuguese newspapers have plenty.
The green-tiled building is still for sale by the way!
The 'Madeleine' search has been forgotten here. There is no current discussion and none required in my opinion.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: gerry
Date Posted: 28/August/2009 at 23:58
I enquired about the price of the Green tiled building, I forget what they quoted but the saying " you can pay too much for Gold" comes to mind
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 29/August/2009 at 08:57
The Green Tiled Building!!
Sorry, only just seen this thread, here's pics I took at Easter this year, it had the for sale banner then.
and the balustrade, what character (what's left of it)
------------- Andrew
Posted By: alan&alice
Date Posted: 30/August/2009 at 08:33
We walked past it yesterday afternoon and its still in the same state the damn graffiti makes it look worse than it is.
Posted By: john2604smith
Date Posted: 30/August/2009 at 14:40
location, location. location !
------------- ownersdirect P3708
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 16/November/2010 at 16:42
Slowly it crumbles away. Picture taken this afternoon.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: TheLadyFiona
Date Posted: 16/November/2010 at 19:22
This building has been a For Sale eyesore for decades. What could be wrong with it that even the local developers don't want it? Would the entire walkway collapse? Something fishy here, if you ask me. The guy who owns Sao Vicente, Beach Basket and 2 restaurants in the village square ( I have forgotten his name for the mo') would have been the likeliest buyer
------------- Viva Portugal!
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 16/November/2010 at 21:49
Well when I win the euro millions I'm going to buy that building and turn it into a gorgeous home!
Posted By: richm
Date Posted: 16/November/2010 at 22:41
------------- if we are not there now we are coming over soon.
Posted By: richm
Date Posted: 16/November/2010 at 22:42
the above is september 2006
------------- if we are not there now we are coming over soon.
Posted By: A9NDY
Date Posted: 16/November/2010 at 23:03
would love to buy that place it would make a beautiful home if i win the lottery i,d gladly pay the €565,000 asking price .
Posted By: TheLadyFiona
Date Posted: 17/November/2010 at 03:35
Must be something structurally unsound. It used to be like a "crack" house. Parties every weekend.
Anyhow, it would've made a lovely B & B.
------------- Viva Portugal!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 17/November/2010 at 11:49
A9NDY wrote:
would love to buy that place it would make a beautiful home if i win the lottery i,d gladly pay the €565,000 asking price . |
It would probably cost you that much again to repair it. Plus no parking space, so I will say it will fall down before it is sold.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Marg
Date Posted: 05/April/2011 at 07:14
has it been sold yet? also how does one enter the house as all entrances have been cemented up?
------------- - Marg
Posted By: steven.vanessa
Date Posted: 05/April/2011 at 07:26
You might enter from the rear...oooerr lol
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 05/April/2011 at 10:51
Marg wrote:
has it been sold yet? also how does one enter the house as all entrances have been cemented up? |
The for sale signs have been long gone but it is still crumbling into ruin.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 05/April/2011 at 10:53
Marg wrote:
has it been sold yet? also how does one enter the house as all entrances have been cemented up? |
The for sale signs are long gone but it is still crumbling into ruin.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 05/April/2011 at 10:55
Marg wrote:
has it been sold yet? also how does one enter the house as all entrances have been cemented up? |
The for sale signs are long gone, but it still crumbling into ruin.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 07/April/2011 at 13:32
Picture taken yesterday. The blocked up door on the left leads to the back garden I am told.

Next door, across the steps, is this nicely restored building. What's to become of it I wonder? I remember a lot of time and effort being spent on the work.

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Margb1509
Date Posted: 19/April/2011 at 07:40
lol all jokes aside, someone should try and go inside and take pics, i have a thing for pictures of abandoned places haha.. if i were there i would do it myself!
------------- -Marg -
Posted By: steven.vanessa
Date Posted: 24/August/2011 at 12:42
I guess this building is still in the state its pictured above? such a shame if it is.
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 24/August/2011 at 13:14
Yes it's still the same, passed it yesterday!! It's location is fabulous, it must appeal to someone who could afford to renovate it. I'm buying it when I will the euromills, ha ha!!
Posted By: carl
Date Posted: 24/August/2011 at 16:00
Someone must have spent a small fortune on getting that building renovated. Last time I saw it, admittedly a few years ago, it had one hell of a crack running virtually from top to bottom. Thought it might need a little more than underpinning!!!!!!!
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 24/August/2011 at 16:44
I cycled past the green tiled building a couple of hours ago. It is indeed in the same state, if not a little worse.
------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 12:26
Cubs if you cycle past it no wonder it's cracked from top to bottom
------------- a great philosopher once said...
very naughty!!!!"
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 12:41
Cubs if you cycle past it no wonder it's cracked from top to bottom
Proof that Cubsur has been at the Green Tiled Building
------------- Ally
Posted By: steven.vanessa
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 12:53
Avril wrote:
Yes it's still the same, passed it yesterday!! It's location is fabulous, it must appeal to someone who could afford to renovate it. I'm buying it when I will the euromills, ha ha!! |
Hope i win em before you then lol no offence :)
Posted By: steven.vanessa
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 12:56
cubsur wrote:
I cycled past the green tiled building a couple of hours ago. It is indeed in the same state, if not a little worse. |
Thats such a shame, as said previously its a superb location i just wonder why it hasnt been bought. Surely by now they will have realised and lowered their price to get it sold.
Posted By: carl
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 15:20
steven.vanessa wrote:
cubsur wrote:
I cycled past the green tiled building a couple of hours ago. It is indeed in the same state, if not a little worse. |
Thats such a shame, as said previously its a superb location i just wonder why it hasnt been bought. Surely by now they will have realised and lowered their price to get it sold. |
Lower the price? It doesn't work like that!!!!! They are more likely to INCREASE the price. It could be that the person who owned it died ( likely) and the family cannot agree on how to deal with it. Maybe some want to sell and others don't in which case it stays as it is!!!!! Got to agree it would make a fantastic home, the views are great and you can guarantee that you wouldn't get anything built in front of you!!!! The rental potential would be brilliant.
Posted By: janet
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 16:00
Super Ally....very good! But if thats the type of people it attracts...any wonder no one wants to buy it !! 
------------- owners direct p5473
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 16:20
I would turn it into a restuarant with a two tier terrace so that the diners could look at a fabulous view.
Just how much is it worth?
------------- Ally
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 25/August/2011 at 22:02
Ally, the "Green tiled building" is the one with the green tiles on..
You leave that beautiful blue and white (shame they're not stripes) building alone!
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 26/August/2011 at 08:02
Andrew wrote:
Ally, the "Green tiled building" is the one with the green tiles on.. You leave that beautiful blue and white (shame they're not stripes) building alone!  |
 I had the painters on the job yesterday
------------- Ally
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 13/October/2011 at 12:51
Has the Green Tiled Building been moved?
This picture was originally posted by Sean67
------------- Ally
Posted By: Mollie
Date Posted: 13/October/2011 at 15:07
Super__Ally wrote:
Has the Green Tiled Building been moved?
This picture was originally posted by Sean67
[IMG]" height="632" width="840" /> |
The green tiled building was never in that place, the fountain would have been in the sea!!!!|
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 13/October/2011 at 15:31
Its definately there. I can see it. 
------------- Ally
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 13/October/2011 at 15:45
Many apologies, I've only just seen, for the first time, the blue and white striped building, just superb, it needs a sponsors logo on it now, but who would that be... 'bodog' would look good me thinks... LOL!
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 13/October/2011 at 16:20
Ally, where are you seeing it?
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 13/October/2011 at 18:39
or am I having senior moments, can't get the jist of ally's postings.
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 08:20
Dont worry your not having a senior moment, its me, I'm often told "I dont know what im talking about. But let me try.
In one of Sean67 pictures there is a building very similar to our "Green Tiled Building".
I simply asked if it had been moved.
Old Green Tiled Building
New "Green Tiled Building. (Dont you think ?????????)
------------- Ally
Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 08:46
Nah Ally, they are definitely turquoise...
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 09:33
Ah ha, that's what you meant, I did wonder, but I think those tiles look blue!
Posted By: enquire
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 09:50
Ally, Don't take any notice of the wotsitsname takers. I sympathise with your problem, in fact I only proceed at traffic lights, when they turn blue.
Posted By: Super__Ally
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 10:16
Definately Green (now)
------------- Ally
Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 10:44
Ooh, that's cheatin'...
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 11:13
naught naughty ally
Posted By: ant1969
Date Posted: 14/October/2011 at 11:18
------------- com amor e cumprimentos Donna x
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 11/November/2011 at 20:59
Forgive my late response... But the blue and white stripes, plus 'bodog', just superb, really made us larf, thanks a million.
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 11/November/2011 at 21:02
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 11/November/2011 at 21:02
Just a thought, is there some confusion with the green tiled building in Lagos....
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 11/November/2011 at 21:08
Av, I's bin nowhere, where's you bin? ;-)
Apologies, for some reason I just missed this thread, now I've found it, again, just love Ally's photoshop work, just brill.
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 11/November/2011 at 21:29
It was funny, can't believe you missed it! Hope you and Trish and the girls are getting used to this wonderful Blighty weather now you are back!
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 11/November/2011 at 21:34
Cheers Av, yep we're fine, and by coincidence, Charlotte is back from Uni tonight so the four of us are together for the first time in several weeks.
Trust you and yours are all well and good...
------------- Andrew
Posted By: cubsur
Date Posted: 18/November/2011 at 16:30
Our favourite eyesore in the sunshine yesterday afternoon

------------- Albufeira Resident public transport information for the Algarve
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 18/November/2011 at 19:36
I've only just clocked, all the balustrade on the balcony has gone, completely. Shame.
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Daliscar
Date Posted: 16/October/2012 at 21:46
Just back from a great six day stay in Albufeira, told that the Green House WILL NOT sell because it is haunted ! This 'problem has also affected the sale of the renovated house to the right. Any one heard the same?
------------- What the...?
Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 16/October/2012 at 22:41
Haunted? Wouldn't stop me buying and if you were going to do anything with it in the retail or leisure area, ie, restaurant, b & b, guest house etc., what a selling point that would be!
------------- Andrew
Posted By: Daliscar
Date Posted: 16/October/2012 at 23:14
Good point, but it's the Locals who are concerned about the alleged spiritual activity and of course getting people to work on it could be a problem. Just passing on what we were told.I would like to hear more of the story if it has any truth in it!
------------- What the...?
Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 17/October/2012 at 12:58
Love the username Tim, I remember that band!
Posted By: Jayjan
Date Posted: 17/October/2012 at 13:06
Wonder who the ghost is then? maybe a previous owner who doesn't want their space invaded.
------------- Polli the dancing cat strikes again.
Posted By: Avril
Date Posted: 17/October/2012 at 13:30
Well, I know it's easy to say after someone else has but I always thought it was haunted. I used to say that to Peter everytime we walked past!!
------------- Consistently inconsistent, Esse sou eu!