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Alcohol supplier

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Forum Name: Algarve
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Topic: Alcohol supplier
Posted By: Xeine1974
Subject: Alcohol supplier
Date Posted: 09/October/2022 at 12:50
Good afternoon all,

Recently joined the group as can’t seem to find a solution to the below searching google etc.

I work with villa rental companies and trying to setup business with Portuguese alcohol suppliers.

Looking for companies to supply a few different brands beer kegs, pump co2, bottled beers etc for villa occupancy.
We have around 60-70 villas booked monthly around Albufeira/Vilamora area about 10-20 mile radius.

I’ve contacted a few this year but don’t seem to get much response, but I appreciate they have a busy season.

I’m based uk but setting up Portuguese banking etc to legally allow me to purchase goods and pay taxes etc. This could be very good business for the right supplier just struggling to locate a few options.

Any help from pointing me to suppliers would be appreciated.

Posted By: peteknopp
Date Posted: 09/October/2022 at 13:48
try this lot

do draught beers, tins etc. For bottles etc try Soares as a good wholesaler to businesses


Posted By: Xeine1974
Date Posted: 09/October/2022 at 13:53
Thanks I’ve contacted them in May owner and sales rep after a few email discussions was then ignored and also WhatsApp communication ignored I gave up, I revisited them last week as thought should be a bit quieter now season coming to an end got an instant reply to WhatsApp message then again ignored for seven days since, frustrating as need to get things setup.

They would be a good fit I feel for the business venture just not sure if I’m impatient but communications seems painfully slow or totally ignored.

Hopefully they will reply soon thanks

Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 11/October/2022 at 14:24
Bit rude of them not to respond, and I don't know the exact circumstances of what you are offering them but a couple of thoughts. The outlay on 60 coolers, kegs, lines, insulators and gas bottles for what might only be one or two barrels of beer a month might be prohibitive? Also finding and delivering to villas up country lanes and in small villages once a month may not be cost effective. Maintaining the lines would need to be done regularly and of course people staying in the villas would have to be trusted to look after the equipment properly. There is a bit more to pulling a pint than folk sometimes realise.

It may also be that the companies don't want to undermine the local bars and clubs they already supply that will miss out on business if people are drinking at home?

Like I said, it would have been polite to get back to you, and of course I could be completely wrong.        

Go away Duchatalet

Posted By: Xeine1974
Date Posted: 11/October/2022 at 15:29
thanks for your reply.

im not asking them for 60 coolers to as dont think that is viable for any business to outlay, but maybe 3-5 coolers if thats what they can supply. logistics i can handle collection/delivery to villas thats not an issue. having trained staff to maintain lines change CO2 etc is also something id undertake. this wont be 1-2 barrells per month it would be a decent size business possible bigger than some pubs on weekly/daily purchases. 

it is possible that they dont want to offend local business but villa occupants will drink within the villa and also go to bars, having the option to do both is no different to them buying from local supermarket etc. But i dont know why the lack of responce from these companies if someone offered my company more business id be very interested to hear. certainly for a venture than could continue when bar season isnt operational. 

Posted By: Algarveaddick
Date Posted: 11/October/2022 at 15:39
As I said, I don't know the circumstances of what you are offering, I read it as you wanting to offer draught beer to occupants of 60 or 70 villas. Obviously got the wrong end of the stick.  

Go away Duchatalet

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